Friday, 3 June 2016

9/11's monster scale Catalysis

I've just realised that what's taking place at 9/11 is the same thing as takes place at an oil refinery - on a much larger scale of course.

The Beta-aether pressure close to a catalyst such as platinum say is modified so when the heavy oil comes into close contact the external pressure on it is decreased. This means that its strength is reduced. It is cracked - which is why the terms cracked, cracking and cracker is used for ths refinery process.

This is why catalysts are unchanged by the process.

I realised this must be the case from two things.

1. A recognition that the equation of state for water is not PV^6 but PV^12, i.e. the same as for ice vapour, when one takes into account the changes is aether pressure. The sixth power is only the action pressure. One has to take into account the reaction pressure, the aether strain energy.

2. One of the wild hair Sir Professor Martin Poliakoff's periodic table programs showed a huge woven mat of platinum wire which was going to be used in a chemical plant. There was no possibility of gases entering the interior of the platinum wire at the speed the materials must be passing through therefore what is taking place must be in the surface region where there is a reflected pressure counteracting pressure of the Beta-aether.

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